Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hey Summer--make like a tree and get outta here

It's obvious when looking at a calendar that I've been here a year. The simplest reasoning skills will lead you to this conclusion. I arrived in Casablanca on the morning of September 10, 2009 (it says it right here in my planner) and, a year later, I'm here in Morocco (my planner doesn't actually say this. It says that I need to buy more milk).

This is all pretty straightforward, but what REAAALLLLLYYYY made me see that I've been here a year was when I needed to put on a jacket in my house this morning. Yep, the very same house where, just a few months ago, a No Pants Policy was in effect. I've come full circle here, and now it's time for another go around.

I've so far spent about 1/24 of my life here, and by the time I leave it will be about 2/24, or 1/12. I know. I love reducing fractions, too. I'll spare you a long post about What It Means To Be In Peace Corps For A Year because I'm sure someone else will do that. Instead, I present you with a year in pictures:

Here's my CBT group last September, showing off the map we drew (Tanie drew) of our CBT site.

This was from L'Eid 2009. Me, Tanie, and her host cousin (?) getting henna'd

My friend Juan and me, moments before we swore in as PCVs last November.

From a day of SIDA activities, December 2009

Moving into my own house!

Donniell and me gearing up for my first trip to Fes

My town, and my friends, in the springtime

That one time I had a dog

Origami-ing with American kids at the American Club in Rabat


My host cousin, Fuziya, getting married

Summer camp! (I'm the mime)

It's been a year. And now for something completely different.

A final word going out to Terry Jones: Jam3 rasek. Seriously, fuck you. I'm so sick of your shit and you are potentially endangering countless Americans abroad. The military aside, there are over 200 Peace Corps Volunteers currently serving in Morocco with 68 new Trainees arriving next week. And that's just one of the Muslim countries that welcomes Peace Corps. You and your hate can go to hell. Peace Corps had to evacuate Morocco in 2003 because the U.S. invaded Iraq and if my service comes to a similarly abrupt end because you're a dick, I'm going to do everything I can to educate the rest of our God forsaken country on why Islam is NOT out to get them.

I'd also like to mention that a few moments ago, one of my Muslim gendarmes stopped by my house to make sure I was aware of your shenanigans and make sure I was okay. This afternoon a dear Muslim friend now living in America called me to check in and wish me a happy L'3id. My Muslim host family only let me go home tonight on the condition that I come to their house as soon as I wake up tomorrow to eat breakfast with them. If these are really the people you want to protect your country from, I'm speechless.

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