Monday, April 26, 2010

some figures

(listening to: andrew bird)

0: number of tasks I absolutely must complete today (I thank you, again, Monday).

5: number of hours I spent hiking home from a mountain yesterday.

22: Total number of companions on hike.

1: number of creepy white vans that drove us to the mountain (we walked back home).

16: number of teenagers in tow on hike.

1: number of adorable toddlers I want to steal and bring to America that joined us on this hike.

2: number of times I fell down.

1: number of times I fell down that I consider someone else's fault (he wouldn't let go of my frigging backpack).

0: number of alcoholic beverages I was able to imbibe after 5-hour death march.

1: number of donkeys I was forced to ride yesterday.

2-3: number of times I was "lovingly" pushed into a stream.

346776869875: number of photos taken by Amin, one of the other adults on the trip.

324565982098: number of times I wanted to punch Amin in the face and break the god damn camera.

18: number of days until I am in Europe, sleeping in a real bed, consuming dairy products that have been refrigerated, gleefully turning on the hot water tap in the kitchen and finally getting some sun on my ghostly legs.

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