Monday, April 19, 2010

Hello Monday, whatcha knowin?

morning mix, including but not limited to "Popular Mechanics for Lovers" by some band on the OC season 2 mix

I'd like to thank Peace Corps on this bright, chipper morning for making me finally see Monday's potential. I didn't understand it before. When I worked in an office, Monday always came like a swift roundhouse kick to the jugular, then a few kicks to the ribs while I'm still down. Monday was the "ungracious victor" version of Jean Claude Van Damme, if I am making any sense at all. I hated it, it hated me. And yet Monday always got the better of me.

The only bright spot I could look forward to on Mondays were those few precious weeks in summer in DC when there was a Screen on the Green* showing to look forward to. Even that was almost taken away from me...I'll never forget the day I pulled up the page to check on happenings and found that SotG was in danger of cancellation. It still chills my heart thinking about it.

Anyway, I think I had a point. Yes---Monday! Since moving to Morocco and beginning work at an establishment that is CLOSED ON MONDAYS, the formerly wretched excuse for a week day and I have reconciled. Because guess what? I have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do today. I was thinking about going back to sleep...then I decided, no, I'd rather listen to my morning playlist, write a rambling blog and have some coffee. The possibilities are endless. Maybe I'll even take a trip out to Khemisset. JUST BECAUSE I CAN. I don't know, I don't know if I'll have time. OH WAIT.

What am I going to do with my Monday, you ask? I'm not even going to tell you. It's that good. I will, however, tell you what I'm not going to do:

SHIT. I'm not going to do shit all day. There it is.

Other things going on: COngratulations are in order, because in my 7 months in Morocco I have vomited more times than I did the whole three years I spent in college. I'll pause here while you slow-clap.

The Reading Race is already over and proved two things to me:

1. the kids at my Dar Chabab are on crack
2. anything with a competitive factor is bound to be a rousing success, yet cause lots of drama at the same time. When some of the kids that didn't place in the contest found out their ranks, they FREAKED OUT and were using any method they knew to try and convince me to change the scores. (I didn't)

My vacation is coming very soon (25 more days) and I could not be more pleased. I hope Ghjpar,.eucggewst9hugyuos the Volcano settles down by then. I'm too excited to see Andy (and, you know, Europe, or whatever) for that volcano to try and ruin my life.

I guess I'll leave you here for now. I have a lot of NOTHING to accomplish today.

*SotG: a movie was shown every monday night on the US Capitol lawn as soon as the sun set. It was preceded by a Loony Toon and then everyone on the lawn did the HBO DANCE then sat back down and got drunk on smuggled-in wine and watched a movie classic. Basically it's my favorite thing about the city and I was usually really annoying about getting my friends to go every Monday.

1 comment:

  1. beulah would be the band you're looking for, good stuff. though the second season of the oc was definitely lacking - any seasons following the first really - the oc mixes still give me a little kick in my step. also, i will refer you to my blog for my opinion on the G9o872efnkldsfhkjlsac volcano. That bitch.
