Thursday, July 30, 2009


current location: la lisner
currently listening to: "your touch" by the black keys

My last big project at work before Peace Corps is to re-organize and clean out all the boxes we have in this little make-shift storage closet. Sounds boring, yes, but actually it's become pretty fun sorting through boxes of REALLY old memos etc. My personal favorite so far is a proclamation from then-Mayor Marion Barry (shudder) that designated October 8, 1982 as "Dreamgirls Day" in DC. No, I'm not making that up.

And now I present a memo dated November 8, 1973 from GWU's Office of the Vice President and Treasurer. Methinks it's still relevant today:

Memorandum to: The University Community
Subject: The Energy Crisis and the University Community

After President Nixon's message, each of us may have questions about what we in the University can do about the energy crisis. This memorandum is being distributed to aid in answering these questions.

What has already been accomplished?

Our major buildings have been professionally surveyed to minimize wasteful energy practices. Actions resulting from these surveys were:

- Heating, cooling and ventilating services operated only when needed
- Lights turned off when not needed
- Temperature controls regulated
- Water systems modified to eliminate waste

Marvin Center has a commuter parking pool board to facilitate car pools.

What more can we do?

Our plant personnel are continuing to work on the major conservation programs, but you, as an individual, can help too.

-Some Suggestions-

1. Turn out unnecessary lights which can be individually controlled in offices, classrooms and residence hall rooms (including fluorescent lights).
2. Minimize wastage of hot water for showers and other uses.
3. Turn down individually controlled radiators or ventilating units when too warm. Don't just open the window.
4. Sign up at the parking pool board, Ground Floor, Marvin Center to form new commuter auto pools.

There are over 20,000 of us in the University community. A little action from each of us adds up to a significant result. Please join us in our energy conservation efforts. Working together, we can make a difference!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

important phrases to have at the ready

current location: in my apaaaartment, the home where i hide
currently listening to: where boys fear to tread- smashing pumpkins

a couple very serious, important phrases i've learned so far from a darija textbook i picked up to help me learn:

ahem. i'll type these out as best as possible with my american keyboard.

had l-kurat dyalu.
translation: these balls are his.

was l-bakit dyalkom kbir bezzaf?
translation: is your package very big?


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Eight weeks to go

current location: sort-of-not-really-morocco-actually-my-desk-at-work-in-the-states
currently listening to: "boxing" by ben folds

I didn't realize it was possible to feel two completely different ways at once, but Peace Corps has shown me the light. I'm totally devastated to leave my life here, but at the same time crazy excited to get started in Morocco. It's weird.

Last night my boss and I went to visit a co-worker who's been on maternity leave, and seeing her baby son just made me think of all the stuff I'm going to miss when I'm gone. That kid will be two and a half when I get back! He won't even know I ever met him, or that he kept crying if I even made a motion like I was going to touch him. In retrospect I guess we didn't have that much of a bond...

Anyway the point is, I know I'm going to be moving on a lot/metamorphosizing while I'm in Morocco, but it irks me that everyone else I know here will be doing the same thing. It's terribly selfish, but I want everyone to stay the same, frozen in time and space. Oh well. As a wise muppet once said, "wokka wokka wokka."

Monday, July 13, 2009


Current location: Washington, DC
Currently watching: The Bachelorette (not my choice)

I'm not actually in Morocco yet, but I thought I'd set up my blog now. I leave in early September for Peace Corps Morocco, and am getting really excited! Current activities include trying to learn Arabic and buying loose, flowy clothes.

Today was lovely, helped some friends apartment-hunt, ate delicious foods and then when I got home Ferris Bueller as on tv. Best day ever?